Planning Commission

The Planning Commission serves a variety of roles for the City and the community. The Planning Commission:

  • Maintains the vision and objectives of the General Plan.
  • Encourages land use compatibility.
  • Balances public and private interests.
  • Provides an opportunity for public involvement.
  • Identifies and debates key facts and issues.
  • Ensures a fair and equitable process.
  • Provides recommendations to the City Council.


Meetings will generally be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. No meetings will be held on the 4th Tuesdays of November and December due to holiday observance.  Any additional meetings or changes made to the regular meeting schedule, as deemed necessary, will be noticed appropriately.  Meetings are held at the City Council chambers located at 110 S. Center Street in Santaquin.  A work session begins at 6:30 pm and the regular meeting begins at 7:00 pm.  The public is invited to attend all Planning Commission meetings.


The Planning Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor for a three-year term. Commissioners must be residents of Santaquin City for a period of at least 6 months prior to appointment.

Current Members

  • Trevor Wood (Chair) - Term Expires 12/31/2025
  • Drew Hoffman (Deputy Chair) - Term Expires 12/31/2026
  • BreAnna Nixon - Term Expires 12/31/2026
  • Michael Weight - Term Expires 12/31/2027
  • Michael Romero - Term Expires 12/31/2027
  • LaDawn Moak - Term Expires 12/31/27
  • Jessica Tolman - Term Expires 12/31/26

Planning Commission 2025 Meeting Schedule