Frequently Asked Questions


  • Santaquin City does not purchase back burial rights.  

    Posting them in the local paper or online are both good options.

  • For a fee, replacement deeds can be requested at the City Office.  New deeds will be mailed about within two (2) to four (4) weeks after request.

  • For a fee, you can request a transfer at the City Office. New deeds will be mailed out within two (2) to four (4) weeks.

    Use this Burial Rights Transfer Form to start the process. 

Curbside Recycling

  • No. Garbage services are mandatory for the preservation of the health and safety of our community.

  • You do not need to separate acceptable recyclables. Everything can go into the recycling cart together.

  • If you would like to opt-out of curbside recycling, contact the city offices at (801)754-3211.

  • Recyclables will be picked up every other week. Click here to view the current pick-up calendar with additional information.

  • No, it is not. Current Santaquin homeowners have the option to Opt-Out of curbside recycling. To Opt-Out, contact the city offices at (801)754-3211.  New homeowners will have the option to participate at the time of utility set-up

  • Plastic bottles, aluminum cans, newspapers, and plain cardboard are among the items that can be recycled. Glass, Styrofoam, and food-contaminated items cannot. For a complete list of which materials are acceptable and how to prepare them for recycling, please click here.

  • Our neighbors saved the following:

    • Spanish Fork:
      • 7450 recycling homes
      • 1400 tons or 2,800,000 pounds of recyclables in 2019
      • Approximately $56,000 in disposal savings to the city
    • Elk Ridge:
      • 495 recycling homes
      • 110 tons or 220,000 pounds of recyclables in 2019
      • $4,400 in savings to the city
    • Salem
      • 1294 recycling homes
      • 243 tons or 486,000 pounds of recyclables in 2019
      • $9720 in savings to the city
    • Payson
      • 2205 recycling homes
      • 445 tons or 890,000 pounds of recyclables in 2019
      • Approximate $17,800 in savings to the city
  • The non-payment of services would result in the assessment of late fees, penalties, the potential shut-off of utility services as well as associated collection costs.

  • Solid waste can contaminate an entire truckload of recycled materials which can result in the need to dispose of the full load into the landfill at a cost of per/ton plus the transportation costs, etc. Willful contamination is also a prosecutable offense for which restitution would be sought.

  • Republic Services has accomplished the following:

    • Currently provide curbside recycling services to over 65,000 homes in 16 different cities and 2 counties
    • Cities are saving approximately $350,000 in combined disposal costs per year
    • For every ton of paper recycled, 60,000 gallons of water are saved
    • We use 70% less energy using recycled products in manufacturing than with raw materials
    • Recycling 1 aluminum can saves enough energy to power a TV for up to 3 hours
  • The cost to participate in this program is listed in our current fee schedule.

  • For every ton of paper recycled, 60,000 gallons of water are saved. We use 70% less energy using recycled products in manufacturing than with raw materials. Recycling 1 aluminum can save enough energy to power a TV for up to 3 hours.


  • Recyclables will be picked up on Monday or Tuesday mornings by 7 a.m. depending on which route you live in. National Holidays may alter this schedule. Click here to see the schedule and map.

  • Please refer to the following information:


    • The cost to the participants is provided in our Fee Schedule.
    • The cost to the city is the amount charged to the participant.
    • The city is not charging any surcharges or administration fees. This is a direct flow-through cost. The city is not getting a per-can “kick-back”.
    • Reduced amount of solid waste deposited into landfills.
    • At the end of each year of service, based on the market for recycled goods and the amounts collected, Santaquin City may receive a small repayment or be assessed a fee for the sale/processing of recycled materials.

    Financial Benefits:

    • Reduced amount of solid waste deposited into landfills.
    • At the end of each year of service, based on the market for recycled goods and the amounts collected, Santaquin City may receive a small repayment or be assessed a fee for the sale/processing of recycled materials.
  • The Benefits of a Recycling Program Are:

    • Protects the Environment
    • Energy Savings
    • Reduces Landfill Solid Waste
    • Reduces Solid Waste Tipping Fees

Elections & Voting

  • There is currently no filing fee required at the time of the Declaration of Candidacy in the city of Santaquin.

  • Must be:

    • 18 years old
    • A US citizen
    • A registered voter
    • A resident of Santaquin (or a recently annexed area) for twelve consecutive months prior to the election.

    Any mentally incompetent person, or any person convicted of a felony, or any person convicted of treason or a crime against the elective franchise may not hold office in this state until the right to vote or hold elective office is restored as provided by statute.

    To view the Notice to Public click here

  • You may check your voter registration online by clicking here.

  • You can find the forms for voter registration at:

    • The Utah County Clerk, Election's Office, located at 100 East Center Street, Room 3600, Provo, UT 84606
    • Copy the form from either the QwestDex or the Provo-Orem directories.
    • At the Santaquin City Recorder’s office.
    • Mail Voter Registration Form to Utah County Clerk, Election's Office, located at 100 East Center Street, Room 3600, Provo, UT 84606
    • State online voter registration (if you qualify)

    Contact the Utah County Elections Office at (801) 851-8000 for more information regarding voter registration.

  • A candidate’s guide will be provided upon filing, and there will be additional training scheduled after the filing period is over.

  • Municipal Elections are held on odd-numbered years. County Elections are held on even-numbered years.


  • There is no limit, you can order as many as you need.

  • Garbage day is Monday and Tuesday depending on where you live in the city. To learn more, go to: GARBAGE & RECYCLING PAGE

    Cans need to be at the street by 7:00 AM

  • Rates are based on the size of the container. If you have more than what will fit in the can, the garbage company will not collect it. However, you are welcome to order additional garbage cans. Requests require a signature, so you will need to come in or send an email to receive another can. As of 01/01/11, residents can also use the Payson Landfill.

  • Garbage cans can take up to two weeks to be delivered. In the meantime, you are welcome to place up to five (5) black, industrial-strength bags on the curb for pick up. This applies to first garbage cans only. If you have ordered a 2nd, you will need to wait for its arrival.

  • Contact the City by phone at 801-754-3211 as soon as you notice that your can was not dumped. The sooner you report the problem, the more likely it will be able to be resolved. Anything reported later than noon the following day will not be picked up until the next garbage day

  • If New Years', Memorial Day, Labor Day, or Christmas fall on a garbage collection day, your pick up will be on the next business day.


  • Santaquin Landfill is classified by the State as a Type IV Landfill and is limited to the collection of yard debris and bio-degradable construction materials. (ie: no household garbage)

  • For a fee, there is a bin at the landfill that may be used for the disposal of household garbage. Or, Santaquin Residents may take debris to the Payson Landfill 801-465-5200.


  • Reservations are for bowery and restroom facilities only. The playgrounds, ball fields, etc. are public areas.

  • You can begin making reservations on the first working day of the calendar year.

PI & Water Usage Customer Portal

  • Once your account is set up you can view your utility usage, but you can also easily customize meter names, set usage alerts, set up alerts for a vacation, and more. Sensus has put together several tutorials to show you how to accomplish these tasks on their website. CLICK HERE to view the tutorials.

    Portal image

    • Have your account information on hand

      • You will need the Account Number (excluding decimals) and Customer House Number EXACTLY as it appears on your utility bill. If you are signed up for paperless billing you can find this information by logging into your account on XpressBillPay.

    The PI & Water usage Customer Portal is available on the City website at

    Customer Portal Example

    • Click on the link: Need to Set Up an Account?
    • You will receive an email with a link to complete your account sign-up. Click on the link and fill out the form. Be sure to read the instructions carefully.
    • When entering your account number, EXCLUDE any decimals and/or periods.
    • When entering your house number, EXCLUDE any direction of N, S, E, W.
    • Be careful if you have auto-fill turned on. Be sure to double-check the entered information before submitting the form.
    • Track your own usage daily. You can also go back and look at your usage history.

    • Set up alerts for daily usage goals.

    • Set vacation alerts to notify you if any usage is registered while you are away.

    • Rate tier alerts can be set to notify you when a property exceeds usage in a rate tier.

    • Customize nicknames to each of your meters, this is especially helpful if you own or manage multiple accounts.

    • Add additional recipients to be notified of the alerts.

    Portal Usage Report

  • Email and someone will reach out to you. Or you can call the Santaquin City Office at (801)754-3211.


  • If it is an emergency, call 911.
    If non-emergency but still urgent, call dispatch at 801-794-3970.
    If non-urgent, you may call the police department at 801-751-1070, send an email to, or click on the link below.

    Click Here

  • You can visit our offices or call:

    Santaquin City Police Department
    275 W Main
    Santaquin, UT 84655

    Emergency Number: 911
    Non-Emergency Number: 801-754-1070
    After Hours Non-Emergency Dispatch: 801-794-3970


  • To request a police record, you will need to fill out a GRAMA request and return it to the police department. You may turn it in by mail or in person at 275 West Main, Santaquin, UT 84655, by fax at 801-754-1697, or by email at You may find the GRAMA request form by clicking on the link below.

    Click Here


  • Did you receive a citation/ticket and aren't sure what to do next?

    Take a look at the left side of the citation, and it will tell you which court you need to contact to take care of it. If any of the charges list the status as 'fixit' then you will need to contact the Police Department after fixing the listed issue to get it signed off before taking it to the court. If you have any questions, you may call the Santaquin City Justice Court at 801-754-5376 or the Santaquin Police Department at 801-754-1070.

    To Pay a Citation Click Here

Pressurized Irrigation

  • The City will take care of the main lines and the line from the main to the meter. Customers are responsible for anything after the meter.

  • It was determined by the residents that the base rate could be more conveniently paid when split over the entire year, rather than only being split over the months that they are also paying usage.

  • There are seven pressure zones. Pressures range from 60 to 100 psi.

Property Tax

  • The Santaquin City portion of the property tax rate has not been raised since 2013. During that same time period, the number of homes in Santaquin City has grown by an unprecedented 107% while the property tax rate has decreased by 57%. 

    Per Utah State Law, the City must decrease the property tax rate when property values increase so that the overall amount of money the City receives stays the same. Unless the City adjusts the property tax rate, the overall revenues it receives will stay the same while costs continue to rise due to inflation.

  • The increase will generate approximately $595,000 in revenue each year.

  • The cost to the average household will be approximately $10 per month.

  • The property tax rate is calculated by the State of Utah using information and data from Utah County and Santaquin City. The City has identified a need for $595,000 in additional annual revenues. The new rate is 0.001404.

  • The City would dedicate approximately $595,000 in revenues generated from this proposed property increase to fund two police vehicles and maintain the recent fair-market compensation increases for firefighters and police officers.

  • The City receives more property tax revenues when more homes are built. However, property tax revenues do not increase at the same rate as growth. This is due to how the property tax rate is calculated. Utah State Law requires that the City’s property tax rate decrease when home values go up so that the amount of money the City receives from existing homes stays the same.

    While the number of homes has more than doubled, property tax revenues from those homes have only increased by 66%. In addition, inflation has increased by 24.7% during that same time period, reducing the City’s ability to pay for needed wages, goods, and services. Unless the City adjusts the property tax rate, the revenues it receives from existing homes will stay the same while costs continue to rise due to our population growth and historic inflation.



  • When property valuations increase or decrease, property tax rates change to maintain revenue neutrality. This revenue-neutral rate is called the certified tax rate. The certified tax rate is then applied to all properties, including new residential and commercial developments. The Santaquin City certified tax rate itself has decreased by 57% in the last ten years.

  • Property tax revenues have only increased over the past ten years due to growth. Newly built homes and businesses pay property taxes that have increased the overall amount of revenues the City has received. While these revenues have increased, so has the need for the City to provide vital services to more residents.

  • The City has a demonstrated history of efficiently and effectively using trusted taxpayer resources for the public good. The City has kept its commitment to use the revenues from the last property tax increase in 2013 to maintain critical infrastructure, improving 71.2% of all city-owned roads. Visit this interactive map to see exactly which roads have been maintained with the revenues.

  • The value of your home or business property is determined by the Utah County Assessor, not Santaquin City. Property values change regularly. The market itself drives property values and throughout the year, as homes sell, some areas go up in value, some go down, and others do not change at all. The Utah County Assessor uses market-based information to value each property. Some property values may change dramatically in a single year, while other property values may change little in a given year.


  • The new rate will go into effect for the 2023 tax year.


  • Homeowners only pay taxes on 55% of the assessed value of their home. So, if the Utah County Assessor determines that the value of a home is worth $434,000 and that home is the primary residence for someone, the owner would pay taxes on that property as if it were worth $238,700 (55% of the full value). Commercial properties and second homes are assessed taxes on 100% of their value.


  • No. The city portion of property tax is a relatively small amount of your overall bill. Under Utah State law, local government entities may apply and collect a property tax. Local entities such as school districts, counties, cities, and special service districts are all responsible for levying their own taxes. The average property tax bill a Utah taxpayer receives includes payments for all these entities, not just the city or town where they reside.

  • Yes. Utah County offers several property tax relief programs for qualifying residents. For more information, click here.




  • Truth in Taxation is the name for a process established by the Utah State Legislature where city and county governments and school districts are required to hold a public hearing and inform taxpayers of potential increases prior to the city council voting on them. 

    Utah State Law requires that property tax rates automatically adjust when property values increase or decrease so that the amount of money the city receives is the same from year to year. The laws are designed to keep property owner’s tax burden at a constant level from year to year unless the city council votes to increase the tax through a public process.


  • There are several resources available to you if you have questions about your property tax. You can call us at (801) 754-3211, email us at, or stop by our offices at 110 S. Center Street.



  • This is a sales tax of 1/10 of 1% (1 penny in every $10 spent in Santaquin).

  • RAP is short for Recreation, Arts, and Parks.

  • This is a 10-year tax, that was approved by Santaquin voters in 2018.

  • Yes, the amount will increase as businesses develop and local shopping increases in Santaquin. 


  •  Sewer is calculated once per year, based on usage from the October read to the April read, this is called the “winter average”.

  • When the lines are being cleaned toilets can bubble and/or emit a foul order. This process is essential to keep sewer lines flowing and preventing undesirable back-ups. Keeping your toilet lids closed is the most simple way to avoid any possible water overspill and contain. This process does not involve sewage unless it was in your toilet, to begin with.

  • The City will take care of the mainline. Customers are responsible for their connection to the mainline.

  • New customers will be billed City average until their personal average can be established.

  • The city average is re-calculated every year, yet has maintained a constant 8,000 for at least the past 10 years.

Social Media Directory

  • City Government FACEBOOK - 

    City Government INSTAGRAM -

    The Santaquin City Government Facebook and Instagram pages serve as official sources of information, updates, and community engagement for residents, businesses, and visitors. These pages will:

    • Share important city news, announcements, and public notices.
    • Provide updates on city projects, infrastructure improvements, and policy decisions.
    • Promote community events, programs, and initiatives.
    • Offer emergency alerts, safety information, and weather-related updates.
    • Encourage civic engagement by sharing public meeting schedules, agendas, and opportunities for community input.

    City Government YOUTUBE

    The Santaquin City Government YouTube channel serves as an official platform to broadcast public meetings and informational videos. This channel will:

    • Broadcast City Council, Planning Commission, Development Review Committee, Architectural Review Committee, and other committee meetings as deemed necessary.
    • Broadcast informational videos to share insights into city projects and/or initiatives.
  • Police -

    The Santaquin Police Facebook page serves as an official platform for the Santaquin Police Department to communicate with the community, promote public safety, and foster positive relationships between law enforcement and residents. This page will: 

    • Share important public safety updates, emergency alerts, and crime prevention tips. 
    • Provide information on community programs, events, and department initiatives.
    • Recognize officers, staff, and community members for outstanding service.
    • Offer a platform for community engagement, allowing residents to stay informed and interact with the department.
  • Fire/EMS -

    The Santaquin City Fire/EMS Facebook page serves as an official platform to provide critical public safety information, emergency updates, and community engagement related to fire and emergency medical services. This page will:

    • Share important safety tips, fire prevention education, and emergency preparedness resources.
    • Provide updates on incidents, road closures, and emergency response efforts when appropriate.
    • Announce community events, firefighter training, and public outreach programs.
    • Recognize firefighters, EMTs, and community members for outstanding service and contributions.
    • Encourage public awareness and involvement in fire safety initiatives, including volunteer opportunities and department updates.
  • Library FACEBOOK -

    Library INSTAGRAM -

    The Santaquin City Library Facebook and Instagram pages serve as official platforms to engage the community, promote literacy, and share information about library services, events, and resources. These pages will:

    • Share updates on library programs, including storytimes, workshops, book clubs, and special events.
    • Provide information on new book arrivals, library services, and community resources.
    • Announce upcoming educational and cultural events, such as author talks, reading challenges, and exhibitions.
    • Highlight community involvement, partnerships, and volunteer opportunities.
    • Promote reading initiatives and literacy tips for all ages, from children to adults.
  • Museum FACEBOOK -

    Museum INSTAGRAM -

    The Santaquin City Chieftain Museum Facebook and Instagram pages serve as official platforms to promote the museum, educate the community, and share the rich history of Santaquin and its cultural heritage. These pages will:

    • Share updates on museum exhibits, events, and special programs.
    • Provide educational content, including historical facts, artifacts, and stories related to Santaquin’s history and culture.
    • Announce upcoming tours, workshops, lectures, and community outreach programs.
    • Highlight museum collaborations, partnerships, and volunteer opportunities.
    • Foster engagement through interactive posts, contests, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into museum activities.
  • Seniors

    The Santaquin City Seniors Facebook page serves as an official platform to connect, inform, and engage senior residents by promoting programs, activities, and resources tailored to their needs. This page will:

    • Share information on senior events, wellness programs, and recreational activities.
    • Provide updates on community resources, health services, and support programs for seniors.
    • Highlight social opportunities, educational workshops, and volunteer initiatives.
    • Recognize the contributions and achievements of senior community members.
    • Foster an inclusive and supportive space for seniors to connect and engage with their community.
  • Recreation FACEBOOK -

    Recreation INSTAGRAM -

    The Santaquin City Recreation Department Facebook and Instagram pages serve as official platforms to promote recreational programs, community events, and wellness initiatives for residents of all ages. These pages will: 

    • Provide updates on sports leagues, fitness programs, and recreational activities.
    • Share information on community events, parks, and facility updates.
    • Announce registration deadlines, schedules, and weather-related cancellations.
    • Highlight community involvement, volunteer opportunities, and success stories.
    • Engage with residents to encourage participation and gather feedback for program improvements.
  • Group Fitness FACEBOOK

    Group Fitness INSTAGRAM -

    The Santaquin City Group Fitness Facebook and Instagram pages serves as official platforms to promote group fitness programs, encourage healthy lifestyles, and engage the community in physical wellness. These pages will:

    • Provide updates on group fitness class schedules, locations, and registration details.
    • Share fitness tips, health challenges, and wellness resources to encourage a healthy lifestyle.
    • Announce upcoming fitness events, workshops, and special fitness challenges.
    • Highlight success stories, fitness milestones, and instructor profiles.
    • Foster a supportive and motivating community for participants to connect, share progress, and stay engaged.
  • Storm Cheer -

    The Santaquin City Storm Cheer Facebook Page serves as an official platform to support and promote the Santaquin City Cheer program by sharing updates, events, and achievements. This page will:

    • Provide information on cheer programs, registration, schedules, and important deadlines.
    • Announce upcoming performances, competitions, and community events.
    • Highlight team accomplishments, athlete spotlights, and coaching updates.
    • Share practice reminders, safety guidelines, and cheer-related resources.
    • Foster a positive and encouraging space for athletes, parents, and supporters to engage.
  • Orchard Days -

    The Santaquin City Orchard Days Facebook Page serves as an official platform to promote, inform, and engage the community in the annual Orchard Days Festival, celebrating the city’s agricultural heritage and community spirit. This page will:

    • Share updates on event schedules, performances, contests, and activities throughout the Orchard Days Festival.
    • Provide information on vendors, food, and attractions available during the festival.
    • Announce volunteer opportunities, sponsorships, and ways for the community to get involved.
    • Highlight past Orchard Days highlights, showcasing photos, success stories, and local participation.
    • Foster engagement by encouraging attendees to share their experiences and photos from the festival.
  • Community Gardens -

    The Santaquin City Community Gardens Facebook page serves as an official platform to promote urban gardening, sustainability, and community engagement. This page will:

    • Share updates on garden plots, seasonal planting tips, and maintenance schedules.
    • Provide information on gardening workshops, volunteer opportunities, and community events.
    • Highlight success stories, gardener spotlights, and local sustainability initiatives.
    • Encourage collaboration among gardeners by offering a space for sharing ideas, resources, and best practices.
    • Announce important reminders, guidelines, and weather-related updates affecting the gardens.
  • Community Arts Programs -

    The Community Arts Programs Facebook page serves as an official platform to promote artistic expression, cultural events, and creative engagement within the community. This page will:

    • Share information on local art programs, workshops, and classes.
    • Announce upcoming performances, exhibits, and cultural events.
    • Highlight local artists, student projects, and community art initiatives.
    • Provide opportunities for residents to participate in and support the arts.
    • Foster a creative and inclusive space for discussions about arts and culture.
  • Prospector View Park & Trailhead

    The Prospector View Park & Trailhead Facebook page serves as an official platform to inform and engage the community regarding the park and trailhead's facilities, activities, and events. This page will:

    • Share updates on park amenities, trail conditions, and seasonal changes.
    • Provide information on park events, recreational activities, and volunteer opportunities.
    • Announce any park closures, maintenance schedules, and safety guidelines.
    • Highlight features of the park, including scenic views, wildlife, and outdoor recreation tips.
    • Encourage community participation in maintaining the park and engaging with outdoor activities.
  • Youth City Council FACEBOOK -

    Youth City Council INSTAGRAM

    The Youth City Council Facebook and Instagram pages serve as official platforms to engage, inform, and empower young residents in civic leadership and community involvement. These pages will:

    • Share updates on Youth City Council initiatives, and events.
    • Highlight youth-led projects, volunteer opportunities, and local government activities.
    • Serve as a space for positive interaction, feedback, and collaboration between young residents and city leaders.

Utility Billing

  • Yes, Utility bills are due on the 20th of each month. If the 20th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a City observed holiday, payments will be accepted until 4:30 PM the next business day. Please note that payments can be made online 24/7.

  • Base rates are billed regardless of usage or occupancy. Having your garbage can remove is the only way to further reduce bills. Contact the City at (801) 754-3211 and they can assist you with removal.

  • Due to advancements in technology, meter readings are now transmitted electronically.  Reading devices simply need to be in the area to collect the readings.

  • Rates change frequently. Visit the Fee Schedule for the most current information.


  •  Meters in Santaquin City are read electronically. The reading device just needs to be in the general area of the meter and it will transmit the read to the computer.

  • The City will take care of the main lines and the line from the main to the meter. Customers are responsible for anything after the meter. If you have had a leak, it is still a good idea to check with the City and let them know you have repaired it, since monthly water usage can affect other rates, such as sewer.

  • There are seven pressure zones. Pressures range from 60 to 100 psi.

  • Service lines are generally ¾” or 1". Contact the City Office for address specific information

Water Reclamation Facility Project

  • The City has sought public input on many occasions, including an open house in January of 2008, civic presentations in January of 2008, a neighborhood meeting in the County in April of 2008, and a second open house and public hearing in May 2008. In addition, the City has formed a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) made of 10-20 members of the community. The CAC has met four different times to discuss the alternatives. Santaquin residents attending these meetings and the CAC have stated a strong interest in investing in a long-term solution that provides reclaimed water, does not send water to Utah Lake, allows Santaquin to control their own wastewater decisions, and seeks to keep user rates at acceptable levels. Subsequent public hearings were held in May and December of 2009 and April of 2010. 

  • The overall cost of this project is $16.31 million dollars. However, $6.3 million of that cost will be paid in the form of grants, $2.2 million in resources the city has on hand and the remainder in long-term low-interest bonds. 

  • Due to a requirement of the USDA, the funding for this project plans for a ‘zero’ percent growth rate. As such, even if growth does not continue, the City of Santaquin will be able to meet this financial obligation. This approach, although extremely conservative in design, creates a financial burden on our existing users. To help offset this financial burden, the USDA increased their grant amount from $2 million to $5 million dollars.

  • No. There is no pending or anticipated litigation with regard to the WRF project. 

  • The Santaquin City WRF will be the first in the State of Utah that will provide 100% reuse of its water. By reusing this precious water resource in our pressurized irrigation system, we are ensuring that our community will have the water it needs for decades to come. 
