Public Works
Attention Customers!!!
The City Ordinance concerning delinquency has been changed to state: “Any utility account is deemed to be delinquent if current charges are not paid within seven (7) days after the due date.”
What does this mean to you? The delinquent date has been shortened from 30 days to 7 days. Currently, Past Due Tags are sent out on or around the 27th of each month and a $25 fee is assessed to the customer account that did not pay their bills by the 20th of the previous month. Tags will now be sent out on or around the 27th of each month to customers for bills that are due and not paid by the 20th of that same month instead of bills that were due on the 20th of the previous month.
Past Due Tags sent out at the end of September (customers who do not pay their bills by September 25th) will include unpaid balances for both August and September (if August’s bill was not paid) instead of the normal one month.
Monthly bills are still due on the 20th of each month. Penalty charges of 10% on any unpaid balances will continue to be assessed to any account that is not paid by the 20th unless the 20th falls on a weekend.
If you have any questions regarding this ordinance change and if you would like to make arrangements to bring your account current, please contact the Utility Office at 801-754-3211.