RAP Tax Committee

In 2018, Santaquin residents voted to approve a RAP Sales Tax. RAP stands for Recreation, Arts, and Parks. Sales tax revenue generated by this tax will go directly to benefit local projects related to Recreation, Cultural Arts, and Parks. Funds can be used for capital improvements as well as programs. Examples include, but are not limited to, Parks, Ballfields, Trails, Splash Pads, Arts, Museums, Music, Theater & much more. 


The RAP Tax Committee meets in March and May in the Council Chambers which is located at 110 S. Center Street.  The date and time of each meeting is TBD.


A Citizens Advisory Committee comprised of 7 members review and make recommendations on how RAP TAX funds will be used. Members are appointed by the city governing body for a three year term and may be reappointed to serve a second consecutive three year term. The committee is comprised of:

  • City Council Member (non-voting)
  • Community Services Director (non-voting)
  • Four voting at-large positions made up of Santaquin City residents - Term lasts 3 years

Current Members

  • Dalan Briggs - Term Ends - 12/31/2027
  • David Harris - Term Ends - 12/31/2025
  • Sara Olson - Term Ends - 12/31/2027
  • Courtney Peterson - Term Ends - 12/31/2027
  • Kale Smith - Terms Ends - 12/31/2028
  • Brian Del Rosario - City Council Representative
  • John Bradley - Community Services Director