PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - Parks, Recreation, Trails, Open Space IFFP & IFA
Notice is hereby given that the Santaquin City Council will hold a Public Hearing on October 3, 2023 at approximately 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers (Main Level) of the City Hall Building, 110 S. Center Street, Santaquin UT. The purpose of this Public Hearing is to receive public input with regard to the following items:
- Updates to the Parks, Trails, Recreation, & Open Space
- 1) Impact Fee Facilities Plan
- 2) Impact Fee Analysis
The information will be available for inspection at the City Hall Building beginning September 29th, 2023 during regular office hours.
If you are planning to attend this public meeting, and due to a disability, need assistance in understanding or participating in the meeting, please notify the City ten or more hours in advance and we will, within reason, provide what assistance may be required.
Certificate of Posting
The undersigned duly appointed City Recorder for the municipality of Santaquin City hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice may be found at, in three physical locations (Santaquin City Hall Building, Zions Bank, Santaquin Post Office), and on the State of Utah’s Public Notice Website, A copy of the notice may also be requested by calling (801)754-1904.
Amalie R. Ottley, City Recorder