Public Notice of Hearing - Melhoff Rezoning


December 30, 2021

RE:      Proposed rezoning of approximately 34.58 acres located at approximately 300 W. and 1000 S.

 Notice is hereby given that the Santaquin City Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing at approximately 7:00 pm on January 11, 2022, to review a proposal to rezone property located at approximately 300 W. and 1000 S. which consists of approximately 34.58 acres from the Commercial (C-1) zone to the Residential R-10 Planned Unit Development (R-10 PUD) zone (see attached map). Any rezoning request must be reviewed and receive a recommendation from the City’s Planning Commission before being forwarded to the City Council for final action. 

The above meeting will be held in person and online. The meeting will be held in person at the Court Room/Council Chambers (2nd Floor) 275 W. Main Street.

YouTube Live- Public meetings will be shown live on the Santaquin City YouTube Channel, which can be found at

It is an open meeting in which you will have the opportunity to voice concerns or ask questions about the proposal.  This is the first of several public meetings which will be held on the proposal, but the only one for which you will receive direct notification.  Future notification of meetings relating to this request will be at three public locations within Santaquin City (i.e. City Hall, the Post Office, and Zion’s Bank) and on the State public notice website 


With the post-pandemic restoration of public gatherings, Santaquin City is pleased to restore pre-pandemic meeting protocols by inviting the public to participate in-person. For those interested in providing public comment, we invite you to sign up on the Public Hearing Speaker Sheet.

State law requires that notification of a rezoning be provided to all affected property owners at least 10 days prior to the first public hearing on the issue.  This notice was sent to property owners within 500’ of the subject property.  Please share this notice with any other property owners who may be interested. 

This notice is being sent to property owners within 500 feet of the proposed development in accordance with Santaquin City Code, §10-19-11. If notice given under this Title is not challenged in written form to the City's Appeal Authority within 30 days after the

If you have questions or concerns about this rezoning proposal, feel free to contact the Santaquin Community Development Department, at 801-754-1011 or by email at

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