Public Hearing Notice

The Santaquin City Planning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing to
consider modifying Santaquin City Code sections 11.24.020, updating cul-
de-sac lengths to match the Santaquin City Standards, Specifications and
Drawings. The hearing will be held on October 22, 2024, at approximately
7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall Building, 110 S. Center
Street, Santaquin UT.
The information will be available for inspection at the City Hall Building
beginning October 18 th , 2024, during regular office hours.
If you have questions or concerns about the proposed ordinance amendment,
please contact the Community Development Department at (801) 754-1011
for more info.

Certificate of Posting

The undersigned duly appointed City Recorder for the municipality of
Santaquin City hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice may be
found at, in three physical locations (Santaquin City
Hall Building, Zions Bank, Santaquin Post Office), and on the State of
Utah’s Public Notice Website, A
copy of the notice may also be requested by calling (801)754-1904.

Amalie R. Ottley, City Recorder