Frequently Asked Questions
Meters in Santaquin City are read electronically. The reading device just needs to be in the general area of the meter and it will transmit the read to the computer.
The City will take care of the main lines and the line from the main to the meter. Customers are responsible for anything after the meter. If you have had a leak, it is still a good idea to check with the City and let them know you have repaired it, since monthly water usage can affect other rates, such as sewer.
There are seven pressure zones. Pressures range from 60 to 100 psi.
Service lines are generally ¾” or 1". Contact the City Office for address specific information
Contact Information
110 S. Center Street
Santaquin, UT 84655
Phone: (801) 754-1970
After Hours Emergency: (801)754-1883
Fax: (801) 754-3526
Office Hours
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Excluding national and state holidays